How i collect the photons

I get a lot of questions of how i am taking my pictures, will try to explain as good as i can 🙂 The most important thing of astro photography is the mount. It has to be sturdy and compensate for the earth rotation, other wise, i would get elongated stars. The mount that i […]

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#Throw back Saturday?

Digging in the archive. This is the Horse head nebula, even called B33 (Barnard 33, from Edward Barnard, American astronomer) It lies 1500 light years from us and is a star nursery, within the dust clouds, which is among other gases, hydrogen gas, hundreds of stars are born. The bright star on the far left (just […]

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Aurora Borealis over Arvika

During last weekend, i noticed that Nasa reported higher KP-index, witch tells you the activity in the Aurora Borealis, a scale between 1 and, 7, where 7 is the most intense. I packed up my gear and head out to a location where my home town, Arvika, lies almost exactly in north, a nice foreground […]

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Astrophotography 101

Well… Messier 101 in this case, even called the Pinwheel galaxy A Galaxy not that far away, just around the corner at 21 million light years. I have used 4,5hrs of exposure on this one, 70 mins in each Luminance and Hydrogen alpha and about 45 mins of R,G and B. This time, i tried […]

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Let there be light!

In a small village in the western part of Sweden, Värmland, i have setup my own observatory. When i first started photographing galaxies and nebulas, i litterally stuffed my car with cameras, computers, tripod, mount, telescope, cables, batteries… the list goes on. The weather was always freezing, but the sky was clear, at least for […]

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First site, first post

Why not publish my photos on my own page? WordPress is a easy start so let´s try this!

This is my latest attempt on the Triangulum galaxy, M33, with my new camera, a Atik 460EX and the editing in PixInsight is getting better and better, still a long way to go, but we learn as long as we live right?

This image has almost 4 hours of data, including lights, red, green, blue and also H-alpha witch only captures data in the wave lengths hydrogen emits.


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