How i collect the photons

I get a lot of questions of how i am taking my pictures, will try to explain as good as i can 🙂 The most important thing of astro photography is the mount. It has to be sturdy and compensate for the earth rotation, other wise, i would get elongated stars. The mount that i […]

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Astrophotography 101

Well… Messier 101 in this case, even called the Pinwheel galaxy A Galaxy not that far away, just around the corner at 21 million light years. I have used 4,5hrs of exposure on this one, 70 mins in each Luminance and Hydrogen alpha and about 45 mins of R,G and B. This time, i tried […]

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Let there be light!

In a small village in the western part of Sweden, Värmland, i have setup my own observatory. When i first started photographing galaxies and nebulas, i litterally stuffed my car with cameras, computers, tripod, mount, telescope, cables, batteries… the list goes on. The weather was always freezing, but the sky was clear, at least for […]

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